Rosehip Seed Oil Benefits

Jennifer Giese

What is Rosehip Seed Oil?
Rosehip seed oil is a pressed seed oil, extracted from the seeds of the wild rose bush Rosa Rubigniose in the southern Andes.  Rosehip seed oil can also be extracted from Rose canina, which is predominantly found in Chile, but also grows in many regions of the world including South Africa and Europe.  Here at Fruitful Beginnings, we use Certified Organic, Premium grade and Hexane free rosehip seed oil from Rose canina.

Skin Benefits

Prized since ancient times for its valuable healing benefits, rosehip oil is loaded with skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids. It also contains phenols that have been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.  Below are some of the skin benefits that rosehip oil has to offer. This oil is not a cure-all, you should always consult a medical professional.  
  • Rosehip oil contains a wealth of essential fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acid. Fatty acids help to keep cell walls strong so that they don’t lose water.  The many fatty acids in rosehip oil make it an excellent option for hydrating dry, itchy skin. The skin also easily absorbs the oil, allowing it's antioxidants to penetrate deep into the skin’s layers.
  • Non-greasy oil that makes for a great natural moisturizer for all skin types that also offers several anti-aging properties helping reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Rich in vitamins A & C.  Vitamin A, or retinol, encourages skin cell turnover.  Vitamin C aids in cell regeneration, boosting overall radiance.  Can help reduce dullness and leave you with glowing, vibrant skin.
  • Helps boost collagen formation.  Collagen is the building block of skin. It’s essential for skin elasticity and firmness. Your body naturally makes less collagen as you age.  Being rich in vitamins A & C, both are necessary for the production of collagen
  • Rich in both polyphenols and anthocyanin, which may help reduce inflammationIt also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory effects.  Has been shown to calm irritation resulting from rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.
  • Hyperpigmentation occurs when excess melanin forms dark spots or patches on the skin. This can result from a number of factors, including: sun exposure, hormonal changes (pregnancy or menopause), certain medications (birth control pills and chemotherapy drugs). 

One Last Thing....

Let's be honest. God has created some AMAZING plants on this earth.  So why not use these plants on how God intended them to be used, for mankind and without additives and chemicals. 

Rosehip seed oil is just one of many amazing natural ingredients out there.  I'll share more on the ingredients Fruitful Beginnings uses as we go through this journey together...

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Grass-Fed Tallow Benefits

Jennifer Giese

What Is Tallow? 

Tallow is a type of cleaned and purified fat. Fats, along with proteins, are essential building blocks for every cell membrane, including the skin. They provide energy, help absorb minerals, and carry a wealth of vitamins. Tallow is the result of a delicate and tedious process of rendering animal suet. Suet is a nutrient-dense fat surrounding the organs of some ruminant animals.

Fruitful Beginnings uses high quality Grass-Fed tallow for all of our tallow products. Grass-Fed is used over conventional because it’s high in essential vitamins, free from synthetic growth hormones and produces a high quality, nutrient-rich suet that you won't find in grain-fed, factory-farmed cattle. 

Key Grass-Fed Tallow Benefits

  • Rich in vitamins A, D, E, K, B1 and antioxidants promote skin health and beauty.
  • Vitamin E, known to promote rejuvenation of the skin by fighting free radicals that can cause wrinkles (anti-aging).
  • Vitamin D has the ability to restore vibrancy in skin. In addition, Vitamin D "induces the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes in human skin and plays a significant role in preventing opportunistic infections.
  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a naturally occurring compound found in ruminants products, has been shown to possess anticancer properties. It's also a natural anti-inflammatory known to reduce inflammation. 
  • Creates a barrier for better hydration, helping to reduce cracking.
  • Shares many of the same fatty acids as our skin and absorbs very quickly.
The list above are just some of the benefits that Tallow has to offer.  Tallow will transition your skin from rough, dry and cracked to hydrated and radiant leaving your skin feeling silky smooth and soft.  And not to mention offering other key benefits! 

Make the transition to Tallow products today!  Visit our Ingredients Library online to learn more about the ingredients used at Fruitful Beginnings.

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